Mike has active investments within a number of business sectors including Social Media, Mental Wellbeing, Film & Music Distribution Technology, AI, Blockchain, Crypto Trading, 3D Printing, Digital Advertising, Hotels and Property Development.
When Mike developed his own business incubator and business accelerator programme, it enabled early stage startups to get into the best possible shape and refine their proposition.
Through these innovative accelerator events, startups are able to benefit from the advice and experience that Mike provides as advisor during his day to day work with later stage companies, concentrated into a 4-day intimate experience that includes other key experts in programming, robotics, investment, marketing, manufacturing, AI, Blockchain, 3D printing and prototyping, IP and patents.
Once at investment stage, the accelerator programme continues to work with the founders for the life of their company through to exit.
Through these ongoing programmes a fund is being developed that is enabling its investors to take part in the overall growth and risk spread of the fund across these innovative tech startups.